August 25, 2022 BFF's error definition, and handling connections to multiple API What is an error, a failing API? How is the BFF handling connections to multiple API? Valentin Claras backendphpapi
August 23, 2022 Les spikes : quand, comment, pour quoi faire ? Décomposer une tâche complexe, de A à Z Etienne Doyon spikemethodologiecytron
August 12, 2022 Handling dependencies failures in an API gateway How are we handling downtime from the API we are calling, and what can we do about it? Valentin Claras backendphpapi
August 08, 2022 How to ingest 400GB of logs per hour? We wanted to exploit our CDN logs as they contain many valuable information. Arthur Zinck onpremcdnlogs
July 28, 2022 Retour sur la conférence MiXiT 2022 Plusieurs Bedrockiens étaient présents à MiXiT 2022, voici un résumé de leurs conférences préférées. Sarah Haïm-Lubczanski Élodie Perrin Jules Matsounga Sylvain Zoccarato conferenceagile
July 26, 2022 Comment appliquer automatiquement des modifications sur une codebase JS 🤖 Ou comment j'ai appris à ne plus m'en faire et à aimer JSCodeshift Martin Schneider javascriptoutilcytron
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July 08, 2022 Encrypt AWS AMIs: one way to do it wrong By encrypting our AMIs, we wanted to overzealously increase our security. In the end, we reduced it and lost time. Here is the REX of this failure that we had to rollback. Tanguy Falconnet cloudaws
June 20, 2022 Debugging and reviewing your Android dependencies with apktool How decompiling your Android app using apktool can help you find the source of instrumentation issues at the bytecode level, as well as improve your review process. Baptiste Candellier androidapktoolinstrumentation